El nicuatole es una delicia desde sus
orígenes que se remonta a la época
prehispánica y es que es uno de los
postres más antiguos de la cocina
tradicional mexicana y es uno de los
exquisitos platillos que tiene Oaxaca. Su
nombre proviene del náhuatl necuatl o
necutli, que significa miel -en este caso,
es del maguey-; y atolli, atole.
Originario de San Agustín Yatareni este
manjar, aunque ahora encontramos
muchas variantes, Es parecido a un
natilla, solamente que es a base de masa
asentada de maíz, leche y azúcar, se cree
que antes de la Conquista se endulzaba
con miel de maguey y de ahí el origen de
su apelativo.
Es un postre ideal para una tarde familiar



The nicuatole is a delight from its origins
that dates back to pre-Hispanic times
and is that it is one of the oldest desserts
in traditional Mexican cuisine and is one
of the exquisite dishes that Oaxaca has.
Its name comes from the Nahuatl necuatl
or necutli, which means honey -in this
case, it is from the maguey-; and gruel,
Originally from San Agustín Yatareni, this
delicacy, although now we find many
variants, It is similar to a custard, only
that it is based on a settled mass of corn,
milk and sugar, it is believed that before
the Conquest it was sweetened with
maguey honey and hence the origin of
its nickname.
It is an ideal dessert for a family

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